Conditional Licenses Give Drivers Another Chance After a Single Mistake

When a driver accumulates enough demerit points in the state of Virginia, they will have their license revoked. The story has come to an end in the court of law, and a poor driver is off the roads. Unfortunately, someone’s life has been permanently affected by this stance. No one is arguing that there should not be consequences for excessive violations. A Traffic Ticket Attorney in Roanoke Virginia may believe that there are other options, and fortunately he or she has the ability to explore and validate these very few alternatives.

Driving without a License ticket Roanoke Virginia Lawyer is a minor offense. It could come with a three point demerit at the most. For a select few drivers, this may be just enough to push their license from active to revoked. What do they do now? A car is a necessary part of modern living, and drivers will no longer easily be able to get to daycare, work, school, etc. There has to be an answer.

When a Conditional License is Possible

The court will look at the overall demerits and where they came from. If the demerits are relatively minor, the court may not apply a conditional license. The logic is that many smaller mistakes show an inability to change driving habits, and an overall carelessness on the road. Interestingly, more severe crimes will often warrant a conditional license.

First Offense Restrictions

The three most common scenarios justifying a conditional license are reckless driving, DUI, and drug possession. These convictions are typically six points, and it only requires one or two make a license inactive. Under the authority of the court and through the guise of an attorney, a conditional license may be applied to allow drivers to continue their life in some capacity. It becomes more difficult with more offenses, and more stipulations are applied.

A first offense and condition may require a driver to have an ignition interlock. At the first conviction, a driver can apply for a conditional immediately (this becomes almost impossible after subsequent convictions). An attorney can walk a driver through these details, and out the other end all the better for it.